Elsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (2024)

Elsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (1)

ElsieBeatriceIrelandformerly Tawyer

Born in Gosford, New South Wales, AustraliaElsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (3)

Ancestors Elsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (4)


of James Tawyerand Doris Annie (Gallard) Tawyer

Sister ofFlorence Winfred (Tawyer) Ward and[private sister (1930s - unknown)]

[spouse(s) unknown]

[children unknown]

Died at age 26in Gosford, New South Wales, AustraliaElsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (5)


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Elsie was born in 1928. She was the daughter of James Tawyer and Doris Gallard. She passed away in 1955.


Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW: 1906 - 1954), Tuesday 10 January 1950, page 3. [1] Socials - Two Sisters Married At GosfordA double wedding was celebrated by the Rev Cyril Francis at Christ Church of England on Saturday. The parties were Florence Winifred (Peggy), eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tawyer, of Ourimbah, and Allen Henry, second son of Mrs E. Ward and the late Mr Ward, of East Gosford; and Elsie Beatrice, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tawyer, and Richard Charles, only child of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ireland, of Ourimbah. Peggy, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white brocaded satin. Her embroidered veil was held in place with a coronet of frangipanni. Her bridesmaid was Miss Lola Ward, sister of the bridegroom. The second bride, Elsie, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. George Tawyer, wore a gown of white lace over satin and embroidered veil held in place with a coronet of frangipanni. She was attended by her sister. Miss Jill Tawyer. The brides carried identical shower bouquets of frangipanni and white gladioli. The bridesmaids were dressed alike in pale blue taffeta frocks and blue veils held in place with a coronet of pink carnations and blue hydrangea. The bouquets were of pastel shaded dahlias and gladioli. Mr. Allen Ward was attended by his brother, Mr. Wallace Ward, as best man, and Mr. Ireland was attended by Mr. Rex. Morris. Mr. Fred Higgins, of Turramurra, sang "I'll Walk Beside You" during the signing of the register. The reception was held at the Masonic Hall, where the brides' mother in a frock of lupin blue crepe with black accessories, assisted by Mrs. Ward in a frock of American Beauty silk with black accessories, and Mrs. Ireland in black satin-backed crepe and lace frock with matching accessories, received about 100 guests. They each wore shoulder sprays to tone with their frocks. Mr. George Tawyer, of Wahroonga, was chairman. During the reception, orchestral music was supplied by relatives of the brides' family and Mr. Fred Higgins rendered two solos. The four-tiered wedding cake cut at the reception was made by Nolan Bros., Gosford. When Mr. and Mrs. Ward left for Katoomba the bride wore a frock of chartreuse green with coat to tone and tan accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland left for Newcastle, the bride wearing a frock of blue crepe with coat to tone and black accessories.


  1. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/167112601

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Elsie Beatrice (Tawyer) Ireland (1928-1955) (2024)
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